Adhaar Card Verification
Aadhaar program was launched in 2009 with a main objective to give universal identity to every resident Indian. Aadhar Card holds all the details of the residents of India comprising of Permanent Residence Address, Photograph of the aadhar holder, Thumb Impression of the aadhar holder, Unique Identification number along with a QR code.
It has been observed off late that the address provided in the aadhar card details have always been frauded. Either the address is not present or the address given is left vacant for year. Aadhaar based eKYC comes as a big relief, providing authentic customer data in a matter of seconds. It also provides a quick, cost effective and reliable source of customer information. It is the mandatory document for completion of many KYC norms.
We have access to authentic and reliable Aadhaar information. This helps us obtain and verify identity and address information instantly using our advanced APIs. This is achievable using biometric or non-biometric/OTP mode.
Fields validated using Aadhaar authentication include:
Date of Birth
Mobile Number
Adhaar Number
Candidate’s Photograph
Adhaar Verification

KYC Solution